[CONTEST] Chisel Me This

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. BIG REVEAL! BIG REVEAL! Everyone comment to convince Krysyy to reveal now!
    Kytula likes this.
  2. Reveal, reveal, please. ;)
    Kytula likes this.
  3. I think Krysyy should wait until the 17th just to make people wait. :p
    WayneKramer, FWRonald and 607 like this.
  4. Still not sure why mine was removed from smp7. It was finished... :/
    607 and DubChef like this.
  5. Yeah, I was worrying about such things to happen :( I still wanted to view yours :\
  6. I was finished to it was a giant rectangle block I wonder why...
    607 and WayneKramer like this.
  7. *Refreshes EMC every 15 seconds waiting for results*
    Kytula and LaadyIanite like this.
  8. *Comes home from school*
    *No results yet*
    KRYSYY ;-;
    607, kaptrix, Kytula and 1 other person like this.
  9. Due to previous statements, results should be coming within 39 minutes.
    I hope. ;-;
  10. I believe something came up with Krysyy, results will most likely be posted tomorrow.
    Kytula likes this.
  11. As anxious as I am for results, this sprung to mind.
    "The squeaky wheel gets the grease. But! Silence is golden."

    All good things come to those who wait ^_^

    We will eventually know the results. So what's the next big project to tackle? (Rolls up sleeves)
    AnonReturns, ChamelonNYC and 607 like this.
  12. .....
    Why was mine removed??? After working 103 hours on it you deleted it? Wow, thanks EMC :(
  13. Is this just like, a joke? Or are you being serious
  14. Serious
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  15. I was speaking with Matheus while they were being removed and any that had no or barely any work on them were removed, I scouted all the chisels once they were free for viewing and I didn't see any besides the ones still standing.
  16. Mine was built all underground...
    BlinkyBinky and Rhythmically like this.
  17. Damnnnn.
  18. What did Krysyy say?
  19. The contest is already over and results are done, I don't know if Krysyy can do anything.
  20. ...
    Oh man, that really sucks... :l
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