[AUCTION] Entire Marlix Set!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Sep 30, 2015.


What next?

Poll closed Oct 5, 2015.
Momentus Helmet and Toothpick! 6 vote(s) 25.0%
Entire Momentus Set 16 vote(s) 66.7%
Another DC of Brick Blocks 2 vote(s) 8.3%
  1. As stated by Shy.The_Termanater is a banned player and can't bid on auctions. He's currently getting blacklisted

    The last valid bid was made by drowpassed 480k bid.

    The current lead is drowpassed with bid of 480k.
    Silken_thread and spart3117 like this.
  2. You won my auction! Please pay and I will set up access chest at /v 16826
    drowpassed likes this.
  3. Access chest is coming up now