EMC Radio

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mystul, Apr 27, 2012.

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  1. would turtle beach headset be good quality? o.o
  2. yeah.... do your best man - we aint getting paid here... but ill critique it in private no worries - and much thx
  3. anytime :). i'll get on it after i something else really quick
  4. :D yay.
    another cool idea would be to have a talk show type deal going on like every Wednesday at x:xx time.
    vividOptimism likes this.
  5. Streaming Classical for the next long while
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  6. with special guest xxxx.
    ISMOOCH and Monster_ like this.
  7. i can stand classical but not opera :O! just a bunch of jibberish to me :p
  8. I would do one but I have a horrible voice.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  9. so do i xD. but apparently it was good :)
  10. I sound like a hick. How can you be worse?
  11. I have a bad voice that I can't even stand to hear.
  12. i live in hickville. i feel your pain.
    PandasEatRamen and vividOptimism like this.
  13. woot back up!
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  14. Throw some coldplay... good transisiton from classical..
  15. Then do something like electro/dubstep:)
    ISMOOCH and PandasEatRamen like this.
  16. W00t ISmooch I just heard you!

    I second this >.>
  17. I dont even know if i have heard him play dubstep yet.. but that would be awesome :)

  19. (edit: not trying to insult the song)
    lol @ this song. i feel like im listening to a more subtle version of I Wrestled A Bear Once
    ISMOOCH likes this.
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