UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. Sharing the link will result in me being permanently banned, and I'd prefer to stay on EMC.
  2. Oh than never mind I wouldn't want to be the cause of an Unnessasary ban :)
  3. Time to dig around YouTube, unless the video was made private.
  4. Trying to find out what would penguin name his youtube
  5. You will not find it through searching. :)
  6. It's not my video. And there's a link to my YT account on the forums somewhere. :p
  7. So it's private or nobody follows you so it would be at the bottom of the list?
  8. Who's video is it
  9. Unlisted. Private would mean nobody could view it, which isn't really helpful. :p
  10. So how can people find it I don't really know what unlisted means?
  11. Unlisted means only those with a link can view it. You won't find it on YouTube.
  12. Well hopefully foxy comes out if he gets banned so we know if he did or not
  13. Guys please take this to a private chat instead of spamming everyones notifications :)
  14. Alright guys. The UHC fight is over. Regardless of what you believe may or may not have happened, I ask that you maintain sportsmanlike. Calling people salty, etc is uncalled for and claiming people don't know the full story won't solve anything. Staff have ruled that the video in question is to remain unposted to prevent unnecessary drama over an event that is SUPPOSED to be for fun.

    Staff will be shutting down UHC if the drama and unsportsmanlike attitude continues.
  15. I don't understand why the ban thing but...

    My first UHC and I could not save my mute teammate :( I felt like we were making good progress even though I was completely clueless then I saw my treasured mute teammate explode in front of me and I think... well I'm pretty sure I froze. Which didn't last long before I too exploded GG qkazoo. White team eh? Nah, I think you got us :p

    Red team: FOXY, cory, walter and myself spawned in a pretty good spot and quickly got underground after apparently everyone but myself made a crafting table. Cory and maybe walter were the only ones on our team that had played UHC before. Qkazoo snuck up on walter and me and rekt both of us hard and fast. we had only chestplates and stone swords. I think I MAY have hit Q once or twice, maybe. My death was almost as swift as walters though, I think he was looking in a chest or furnace at the time. He was the only one that didn't have a working mic for mumble too lol. hence"mute" teammate.

    Foxy and cory took to the surface running from qkazoo and the white team that was close behind her. Maybe aminute later "Nccorg fell from a high place" He had only 1.5 hearts or 3hp at that point I believe. So foxy was all on his own from early on. Foxy kept doing exactly the opposite of what I was screaming at him out of fear for his life lol. Fortunately!!

    Foxy very quickly racked up the kills one by one until he had 6 kills O.O He had (I think) a diamond sharp 2 sword from plundering his enemies and somehow came across a saddle which made his taunting of the rainbownubs freaking hilarious as he ran around them on his horse taunting them... LITERALLY! At this point I was laughing so hard that my screaming at him to stop trying to get himself killed was intermittent.

    Cory, Walter and myself stayed for the whole match. Cory and I constantly warning of the closing border and Walter broadcasting information in global chat lol, kidding of course, sorta-ish :p.

    So towards the end Foxy and the rainbownubs had defeated all other players, only 5 left: 4 rainbownubs and foxy. Of course, im still yelling at foxy for trying to die the whole time and foxy is doing crazy suicidal missions in which he somehow comes out smelling like roses.

    Rainbownubs were posted up on the hill in the middle, building walls, lava around them. enchanted bows and weapons and armor passing each other golden apples. meanwhile foxy's crazy a... butt is mining out a tunnel below them. I go underground "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I was in so much shock at how close he was that I don't think I even got that off as I thought I was watching the end to rambo. One of the rainbow nubs mined into foxys hole and tried placing lava, foxy got a hit on the nub and I think the nub set itself on fire. The rest was chaos as the other three tried to bum rush foxy and he pro strafed them all looking like zorro fighting off baddies. After he came out alive I had to "tab" several times and exclaim in mumble, "They are all dead? you won? they are all....? how in the? what is going on right now? I was supposed to be at work 15 minutes ago XD"

    While Walter, cory and myself didn't make it very far this was pretty epic no matter what team you were on. Considering most of us got to spectate the last encounter I think we all got to see an absolutely amazing show and seriously doubt penguins prowess as the pvp master we once thought :p

    Foxy now has a shrine in my room as the EMC GOD OF WAR!

    Edit: just got back from work. For the first hour all I could say was, "Foxy is GOD!"
  16. Indeed you guys actually scared us,we were mining when we noticed someone down the hall,so we grabbed our swords and ran after you guys,sadly we almost had cory ( i got him to three 3/20 health) but my team had me pull back thinking i was the one with low health,so he was able to get away although we chased him through the corridors but he sadly must of jumped, i do admit though Gawa you got me down a heart & cory got me down 2 more hearts.
    FoxyRavenger and Gawadrolt like this.
  17. I was honestly watching DrMadFate when this was happening, I was doing a scout mission to see what I can find close by. I saw torches in a cave and I mined on top of your base. If you remember correctly from your game you placed down two double chests. I was there watching and I was about to drop down before I mined to quickly and DrMadFate found my tunnel. I ran back to Ncccoryg to find your rest of your team still in our base. We moved out to a plains biome before a 3x2 hole killed him. I was alone and I found another cave with the same torches. I mined down and got my 2nd kill that way. I enchanted my gear and with luck a surface spawner. I torched it and got a saddle and a gold apple restoring my health up to 5. I tame a horse and rode along the barriers. Found a house and killed a girl. Then I started taunting the RainbowBeards. After that, most of it was a blurr.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  18. I was on my way, as I think cory was, to go to foxy (to raid your alls base) when you all came from the other direction. I was about to make more armor lol.
  19. XD Indeed,he said he heard someone tunneling and went up to look then came back down,thats when we decided to needed to head out cause the border was coming.
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