Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by _REMOVED_63902, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Established
  2. First Diamonds found in Whale Isle Mine today, June 24, 2015, by Hash98. Using Looting III he collected 9 diamonds in the coal and iron rich caves of Whale Isle!
  3. I made a ghast proof outpost in the Nether. I also created many mines and explored Snake Isle and claimed Frost Isle which is just north of Whale Isle.

  4. The Whale Isle Lighthouse has been finished.
    Hash98 likes this.
  5. Another Snowy Isle has been found South of Whale Isle that I have Dubbed "Beluga Isle" has been found by Deathconn. It also contains a Small Amount of Ice Spikes Biome
  6. Was the whale shape natural?
    Feels like a dumb question...
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  7. Yes, it was
    L3A8 likes this.
  8. Head Farm has been made!
    TechnoMC_Gamer likes this.
  9. Well I'm gone forever. Bye Whale Isle. I'll miss a few of you.
  10. What about Sean as owner?
  11. Sean, please leave this conversation.
  12. Is this sarcasm? Or are you being legit and telling me to leave this thread? Because, last time I checked, you can't just force me off of a thread if I've broken no rules.
  13. Funny YOU would say that when you tell most people not to post on your threads.
  14. It's actually due to the recent events from that thread.
  15. Lets not totally Derail this thread, Please.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  16. From what I can see:
    • F1: Do not spam - Hijacking another player's thread
    • 5. Listen To and Obey The Staff
    AverageWalrus, NathanRP and ThaKloned like this.