[Contest] Name Change <100k Rupees goes to winner!>

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 586, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. GuruGirl
    XxE3choxX likes this.
  2. Bump last chance to enter is the 19th
  3. LadyGuru
    and lastly... Guru<playername> for example GuruElephant
  4. I meant Guru <favorite animal> :p
  5. Genie94544 Genie_94544 Guru94544 Guru_94544 ItsMeGuru ItsMeGenie GuruChance GenieChance RainbowGuru RainbowGenie also why would you change XxE3choxX i love your username i wouldnt pick it because I'm a boy lol but i still like it
  6. Superkamiguru
  7. Can a mod close the thread please?
  8. And the winner is Silken_thread! My name will now be Genuineguru and I will send over the prize the next time I get the chance! thank you! (sorry for double bump?)
    luckycordel, Silken_thread and Kytula like this.