UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. um wut about me kill on magister? that strafe though xd
    MagisterDelirus likes this.
  2. I was shaking so much to even attempt a kill. I suppose I threw myself as a "suicidal" to get you low without realizing it =P
    Penguinub and CadenMann like this.
  3. UHC is becoming less and less fun with all the drama it brings.
    Dektirok, DubChef, xHaro_Der and 5 others like this.
  4. I really wanted to go last time there was a game. I didn't know about todays until now. Now, I'm pretty sure I will never go to UHC :(
  5. yeah it didn't really help that someone (no names) was complaining about why caps lock isn't banned by default and they kept questioning the rule, got real annoying - they went on for like 20 minutes.

    it was still good fun though.
  6. im with xHaro just playing the game! don't complain just play!
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  7. so who is the official winner?
  8. I suppose no one can be declared the "official winner". Guessing all prizes and kill credit are null and void?
    Spyrovsgnorg likes this.
  9. Almost certain I will be there.
  10. Why would there not be an official winner?
  11. Aww :'( i love UHC but im not on dering the weekends. Rainbow you should have it a weekday to
  12. Red team would like to request we be spectated the entire game today, preferably by a staff member, so if we are accused of hacking/modding we have a witness that we did not.

    Thank you.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. No worries, I'm sure that people will spectate you throughout the entirety of the game anyway. After all, that's how they saw what you did last time.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  14. Good.
  15. School on a Sunday?
  16. :'( Cant come im not on during weekends, Rainbow some time can this be at 4:00 pm on a weekday
  17. noooooo. Studying.
  18. wont happen if the servers stay down :p
  19. I doubt Mojang will leave their game down for 3 hours on a Sunday afternoon :p
    RainbowChin and Spyrovsgnorg like this.
  20. Well.... it is Mojang
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