Although looking at it from a distance it might appear this way, Trump has taken major hits to his reputation as well as his income by running. Trump has already lost an estimated 15 million dollars because if the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA programs being dropped alone.
It's bias from me. I think every politician is corrupt. I see your point. I just don't want to see the richer get richer and the poor get poorer
I think he's far too invested at this point to back out BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter. I will be praying Ben Carson somehow wins the Republican Primary.
To be honest I wouldn't care very much about income at that point. I don't know his exact budget, but I am 100% sure that he has plenty in the bank to live multiple relatively luxurious lives. >.> How has his reputation taken a hit?
Deez Nuts actually talks more sense than the two front-runners in the election. He also advocated Bernie Sanders and John Kusich (<-- I can't remember how to spell his second name), since he's 15 and isn't able to actually run. I'd like a female President of the US - but Hillary doesn't deserve it. She's a blumbering idiot, she's a warmonger, and worst of all: she's basically a criminal. If it comes down to it in 2016, I'd take her over Trump. I'd take Bernie Sanders over them all (and hopefully Jeremy Corbyn becomes leader of Labour (and eradicates New Labour scum <3) in a few days and Prime Minister of the UK in 2020. I reckon him and Sanders would get along really well ). Also, you guys should totally try to get more than two parties running for office. IMO, two parties don't speak for everyone. He'd probably get bored or something.
He has been under constant attack by the media. When you voice controversial opinions there will be people who strongly agree, and those who strongly disagree...
First, get rid of the electoral college. Then worry about voting for presidents. Our vote doesn't really count. We are given the illusion that our vote counts as we vote for the people who vote for the president. The reps we choose to vote for the president can change or just be flat out lying at the time of their voting. If you want change, begin with getting rid of the electoral college. It's not 1700 anymore. Everyone gets education in the U.S. The electoral college is useless other than to create more fights between parties.
Its the exact same thing here in the UK. We have the first past the post system, so the party with the most votes wins. It works well when you live in a place with only two parties, but when you have people voting for dozens of parties it doesn't work. People don't vote because they think their vote doesn't count. That shouldn't be happening in a democratic election. There's a petition going on right now to change that - but it doesn't help that the current party in power over here is only in power because of this messed up system.
These middle eastern countries are rebelling. They were her before US. It's only a matter of time before it's our turn to rebel...
Peacefully, I hope... 0.o If a revolution is what it takes to stop our governments spying on us (the US spies on UK citizens too, despite having an agreement to not do that ;-; ), I'm all for it
Don't we all wish it was peaceful. The sad truth is violence is the only option at this scale. We will have to forcefully remove our government if we want change.
These guys especially : Also, how's that one quote go? "I believe there's something out there, looking out over us. Unfortunately, its the government". Not exactly sure who said it, but its true.
To be honest, I don't quite get why people hate the government spying on them. Why do you care if some random person at the NSA can see your cryptic metadata that takes a lot of work to make sense? I don't. They can read all my emails and text messages, look at my browsing history. They don't know me, so why would I care in the first place? It's to stop terrorism. It has succeeded well in the past. I don't get what all the fuss is about. North Carolina? 100 rupees says Aikar chose Deez Nuts.
Ah, so you're renouncing your right to free speech. You're fine with being treated like a criminal. You want the government to control what you do. It is not to stop terrorism, lol. That's an excuse made by the leaders of the 'free' world to justify themselves invading their own citizen's private lives. It does not help in the slightest bit. If I can pay a few pounds on a VPN and download Tor for free and the government can't do much to track me through there, a terrorist can do it too.
Freedom of speech is defined by the right to state my opinion. That ability is not impaired by the government seeing what a random minor is doing on the Internet. I am going to respectfully disagree with you, all of this "conspiracy" stuff is ridiculous. Sure, every government has to have some sort of corruption. But the government seeing what I do on the Internet is not impairing my ability to live a happy life; therefore I need not worry about it.
2 Timothy 3: 1-5 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
No no no. And did I mention no? For the love of whatever deity you prefer, please don't turn it into yet another senseless religion war.