[AUCTION] 1 Entire set of Starter Items

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Aug 12, 2015.


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Poll closed Aug 19, 2015.
2015 Birthday Cookie 13 vote(s) 68.4%
DIRT :D 6 vote(s) 31.6%
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  1. No, this is mine! 11k
  2. 12k
  3. Oops.. didn't see the other ones.
  4. I think you bid the wrong number since I bid 10kand me and Trombone bid higher...
  5. I know.. I posted it when I didn't see the messages..
  6. Okay :p Mistakes happen.
    HelloKittyRo likes this.
  7. 13 thousand rupeez
  8. 15k! mine people! mine!
  9. 16 thousand and one rupee
  10. Wow...who can beat my sister in the battle of the bids??? (My sister is Keldeo178 if you had no idea :p)
  11. 17.25K. Let's go m8.
  12. EDIT: I have forgotten an items in this auction. The starter horse unspawned. If staff can see this I need you to put that in there. It was a silly mistake, sorry for any inconvenience
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