Ah, nothing like the sound of flames crackling, sand shifting, and people screaming as they fall into the abyss. Yes, it’s Firefloor, the game the relies more on luck than skill. However, despite the fact that it requires far less preparation or skill than other events such as Mob Arena, there are some simple tactics that can help you conquer the flames.
How do I get to Firefloor?
To get to firefloor, go to SMP4 by typing /v SMP4 and then type /v firefloor. This will teleport you to the Firefloor residence, where you can donate items for the winners, enter the arena, observe the match by standing on the glass floor of the building. When the staff say that the arena has been opened, you can right click the residential teleport sign on the information board located just through the doorway of the Firefloor building to enter the actual arena.
What is Firefloor?
Firefloor is a simple game. All the competitors are put into a large arena made of a layer of sand and gravel over a layer of leaves. When the operator begins the match, many of the leaves will begin to burn. When a leaf block burns away, the sand/gravel on top of that block then falls into the pit below the arena. The goal of the game is to be the last person standing on a block above the pit. However, note that you will not take fall damage if you lose, so you do not need to worry about dying or losing items during this event.
Tips and Tricks
- Pick a spot and stay there. Running around the arena increases your odds of accidentally falling into a hole. Once you’ve found yourself a good spot, stick with it!
- Use your sneak key! Sometimes members forget that they can sneak. Sneaking prevents you from falling off of the edge of a block, so if you have found a stable patch, use your sneak key as much as possible.
An example of a player sneaking to prevent accidental falling
- Use the multi-point rule. Never stand in the center of a single block! If possible, stand on the crack between a group of four blocks. Standing on multiple blocks at once can give you an extra second to get to safety if one of your blocks starts burning. If one block falls out from under you, this way you still have one or more blocks remaining to back you up.
The view of a player standing on two blocks at once for safety reasons
- Plan your escape. Sometimes your entire island will go up in flames, and you’ll need to escape. When you choose a place to camp out, glance at your surroundings before you hunker down and wait. It’s a good idea to have a possible escape plan ready at all times. If your island is going up in flames, don’t wait until you’re falling to leap for your way out! If the round is a multifloor round (three floors) make sure to look below you for any escapes that you can leap to in a time of need.
An example of a simple escape route in an early stage of Firefloor
- Ditch the big islands. You might think that larger islands of sand will give you more options, but in truth, large islands simply have more blocks to catch fire. Firefloor runs on WorldEdit, so it selects blocks to burn randomly. This makes large islands a bigger target for fire, and if your island catches on fire, the fire could potentially spread to the whole island. This makes smaller islands a safer option most of the time.
Use of Alternate Accounts
Some people may enjoy using alternate accounts in Firefloor, as they give you more chances to win. However, this is really a matter of preference. If you are concentrating on one player, you may find that you can do better than if you are trying to concentrate on keeping two accounts alive at once. On the other hand, it may be useful to leave an alternate account or two in the arena, even if you aren’t controlling it. If the alt happens to survive long enough for you to take control if/when your main account dies, then you won’t regret it. However, note that having multiple players in the game may create excess lag, something with which many players have a problem. Just experiment a bit, and eventually you’ll find out what works best for you!
Preparation for Firefloor
That’s it, you’re ready for Firefloor! However, if you are looking for a way to prepare for a game, try honing your parkour skills. More often than not you’ll find that you have to do a bit of jumping in order to survive, so parkour can be a useful skill to have when attempting to win a Firefloor round. Other than that, there really is nothing you can do to prepare for Firefloor. But when you’re in the arena, at least now you know just what to do to increase your odds of winning. Note that these tips are not guaranteed to bring you a win, as Firefloor still is mostly luck with very little skill involved. So once you’re in the arena, may the odds be ever in your favor!
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