The TEX-D2 pack by daigoman will enhance both creative building and adventuring with an elegant look! This review will focus on the different parts of Minecraft that the TEX-D2 pack will increase, both greatly and just a little bit. Before we start, here is just a simple image that I think defines the pack, and includes a wide variety of the blocks that this Resource Pack improves!
To begin, let me explain the process of how to add this pack and where to download it. If you already know how to do this, you can just skip this paragraph! First, the download link is found on the forum thread for the pack here (click on the word here) or by using this link (click link), the download can be found on the right side of the screen. Once you have the pack downloaded, open the resource pack setting in your minecraft options, and drag the file downloaded into that folder.
Natural Textures
I will go through and point out the best features of the pack, though there are certainly other block combinations that go well together. First lets look at a natural re-textured biome. The water looks crystal clear, and this doesn’t add any lag! The sun and clouds combine to create a beautiful skyline in any spot in the world. To make sure the clouds are visible, make sure you increase your render distance above 8. Even though the max on EMC is 4, having the distance above 8 will add the clouds and stars, just not the extra 4 chunks that come with it.
Here’s a nice picture of the night sky, and the nice looking forest biome by an ocean!
Another amazing looking natural biome is the mesa, the simple pale colors of the clay, and dead bushes looking more like small trees, give a great atmosphere!
Building and Design
Now to go over one of the best parts of this Resource Pack, it’s improvements to building design! Blocks such as sandstone, glass, stone, and quartz look fantastic in this pack, as do almost every other building block. Here’s a picture of a residence using sandstone, glass, and stone.
Another achievement when it comes to decoration and structures is interior design. The interiors go together simplistically, and most definitely better than vanilla Minecraft textures when it comes to interior design! Something to note is the glowstone chandelier, that will be gone over later in the nether section.
To finish up on decorations, here is a great picture of the sphinx outside of the Empire Shop using TEX-D2! Along with the clouds in the background, grand structures such as this become even more fantastic looking!
I have a few problems with this resource pack, but nothing large enough to stop me from enjoying this and making a review for the blog. The first problem is a few of the mineral blocks. Lapis is far too light blue, and can bee seen in the underwater building a few pictures above. Diamond blocks seem too similar to gold blocks, with only a slight amount of diamond in the center.
My main issue in this Resource Pack is the nether. While some of the nether blocks can work together in structures back on the surface, I think the nether itself does not come together well. Netherrack, the main block of the nether, seems far too complicated in texture, and seems like a grid. Glowstone looks like a blue lamp, mentioned above, and nether brick is a simple gray more suited to stone textures. While this is great for building, I think it takes away from the scary atmosphere that the nether usually possesses, but it is still possible to adventure in the nether without difficulty.
Summary of this Resource Pack
Besides the issues in the nether, and a few mineral block textures that aren’t very high quality, this is definitely a resource pack I would recommend to all members of the Empire! From fantastic looking nature, to great improvements to building, this pack is most definitely a new favorite of mine. Lag is no issue as far as I can see, and I run just as decently as usual.
I’ve placed more pictures of places shown here, and residences that I didn’t want to pack this post with in an album. The ones that didn’t make it to this post still look really nice with this Resource Pack! Check out this album I made that includes residence numbers using this Resource Pack if you want to look at them yourself!
No lag? I actually do not believe that… 😛
Did you actually download the pack? I know it looks like it would be, but I get the same decent FPS of 50-ish with or without this pack.
This looks pretty darn awesome! I might try it out…
Well written post too =)