What’s Mob Arena? Mob arena is an amazing event that gets your heart pumping and blood flowing. Ever wanted to fight to the death with monsters where only one person survives? This is the event for you. Mob arena challenges your reflexes and is one of the most suspenseful events on Empire Minecraft.
How do I get to Mob Arena?
You can get to Mob Arena by doing – /server smp5 /v mob arena
What should I bring to Mob Arena?
Don’t bring anything into the arena that you don’t mind losing, it is mentioned many times on the residence so do not complain or beg the winner if you lose your stuff. Most people at Mob Arena bring Protection IV Unbreaking III diamond armor, so don’t expect to win with leather armor.
A full inventory of items is suggested. Potions are a huge help- strength, speed and instant health are recommended. A diamond sword with sharpness V and knock back II is suggested when fighting, it’s a good way to get the mobs off of you if you ever get cornered or trapped. Players often bring Notch Apples ( golden apples crafted with gold blocks ) to Mob Arena, if you can afford them they are a good backup and can save your life in a bad situation.
What do I do when I am in Mob Arena?
When the doors close there is only one winner, the last one alive. This post is to better your chances in doing so. When the round starts avoid being in the corners or middle, starting off by one of the entrances is preferable. When the mobs start spawning your best bet is to avoid them and avoid fighting. Fighting the mobs and taking hits from them damages your armor and without armor you can’t survive. Preserving your armor is a key aspect to thriving in the arena. When more players die and you are one of the last people, more mobs will start targeting you. When this happens try your best to run and get a good distance away and then turn and knock the mobs back with your knock back sword. Avoid running into mobs that are tracking someone else as they may start tracking you.
What to avoid in Mob Arena
- Marlix 8/10 – These mobs are one of the harder mobs to face in the arena. When there is only 1 it’s not something to worry about, but when there are 20 you should be careful. Marlix have very strong bows that when an arrow hits a player, the player is shot backwards a few blocks. Getting hit by a Marlix arrow can potentially trap you in a corner if there are other mobs running around. When you see the Marlixes be cautious.
- Momentus 8/10 – Momentus’ ability to vacuum players who are close to him when hit is deadly. If a player is fighting the Momentus Enraged Zombies are spawned in as “assistance”. Enraged Zombies are powerful and very fast which makes Momentus’ ability to do such deadly.
- Enraged Zombie 9.5 / 10 – In experience Enraged Zombies may be the most challenging mob in the Arena. A horde of these guys may be tough, but when they are spawned in with diamond armor and diamond swords that is when problems arise. The sheer power of these mobs is a problem for competitors, definitely do not mess around when these mobs are spawned.
- Enraged Skeleton 5 / 10 – Enraged Skeletons are not something to be taken lightly, but also aren’t a threat. The worst part of these being spawned is that they eat up your armor and have a good amount of health. Taking these mobs out are good because they do the least damage and drop dragon stone fragments.
- Enraged Creeper 7 / 10 – Enraged Creepers may not be as annoying as the other mobs, but they burn armor and their explosions are very powerful. They have potential to spam explosions and do a lot of damage to armor. Best thing to do is either avoid these or knock them away with your sword.
- Wither 6/ 10 – Wither bosses may be difficult if you aren’t wearing good armor, but when you are all geared and buffed out they are obsolete. The wither effect is an annoyance that messes your sprint up which can lead to you not being able to outrun certain mobs.
Important things to remember
When you are in Mob Arena remember to stay calm, being in the arena can cause anxiety and can throw your gameplay off. Make sure that you don’t panic when fighting, if an occurrence happens suddenly and throws you off make sure that you don’t freak out and just keep playing. Think logically, if you see a horde of mobs don’t run into them, turn around and go the other way. A sword can block for a reason and is extremely helpful, blocking with a sword can reduce damage in half.
“Don’t bring anything into the arena that you don’t mind losing”
Um, yeah, that’s a bit weird.
So more Enraged Zombies, check.
Enraged skeleton drops dragon fragments? Whoa