The SMP War

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DaybreakerMC, Feb 10, 2015.


Will you fight?

Yes 49 vote(s) 71.0%
Ies 20 vote(s) 29.0%
  1. Only admins can enable kill flag
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  2. Do I get to be a general? Got all the uniforms and stuff... No seriously I really have Army Uniforms with me XD
  3. Why don't we settle this with a pvp tournament?
    wolffpack58 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  4. Wait. is this actually happening? I thought this was just banter.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  5. I'm getting a max res voucher, oh sheep brain.
  6. sure. *gets infinite paper villager, infinite XP villager, and god armor*
  7. Thats the plan
  8. yay!
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. As EMC's resident "criminal" lawyer, I'll make any war crimes legal...... for a price.....
    tinykate1 likes this.
  10. I've seen some people training pretty hard at this underground chicken boxing club on smp4... I'd be worried.
    bloodra1n and SEPTHEKID like this.
  11. smp4 has soldier chickens, the war is already decided.
    kevmeup and SEPTHEKID like this.
  12. We need a battle horn now...then let the battle commence!
  13. ...Why not say something sense it's humorous...

    Cucco's guards are setup at the Temple of Time on Smp5
  14. NO! I WANNA BE A GENERAL! ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
    bloodra1n likes this.
  15. If any of you have ever played Ocarina of Time you will know not to attack those chickens........
    Dwight5273 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  16. remember that I'm the flower general, (in case we wanna make peace)
    check out my signature :p
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. What if I kidnap Carl, the sheep in question, and sheer him endlessly and mercilessly in my secret personal nether base on an undisclosed SMP server while logged in, and eggify him just before logging out?
  18. Are we on SMP4's side? SMP8's side? Our own? (Please say our own... I think Netheric Studies should be like Switzerland in this one... and besides if I kidnap Carl i'm not giving him up! Ever!)
    AnonReturns likes this.
  19. we are on no ones side. we have the only area that is permitted to use PVP. all we ask is that when in PVP use @r or @l thanks from the smp6 peoples
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  20. I Shall Fight For SMP9
    VoxelRay likes this.