[Survey] What kept you on EMC?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by xXBuffa1oXx, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Just the way the server was set up and the way the community interacted. It was a big change from other games I had played, and I felt like I really fit in. Look where staying here has got me - I've got lots of great friends, lots of accomplishments in the game and found my girlfriend here too!
    crafter31211, iamcavie, 607 and 3 others like this.
  2. The quality of the staff.
    iamcavie likes this.
  3. Fendy has a GF?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. Like you wouldn't believe, she's great ;) Though you've all heard a lot about that by now... :rolleyes:
    crafter31211, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  5. Mine is very good players and awesome staff :p
    iamcavie likes this.
  6. The uniqueness and originality of the server was something that I'd never experienced, it was different and the setup drew me in and I wanted to try something different, so I stayed. Then it was one after the other that kept me from leaving, such as the horses (how they have stats), town organisation, events, special items, and..the community.
    607, PhoenixAffinity and Blondekid42 like this.
  7. I don't think the greeting is the problem. I see plenty of people give the generic "Welcome to the empire. If you have questions ask, etc." What I don't see is very many people actually helping after the fact, which is what makes it seem generic.
    607, ShelLuser and SteveClasher like this.
  8. and you're on the contribution team...
  9. I mean they can only answer if asked :confused: That is me playing devil's advocate :) I do agree everyone should do their bit to help the new players around... I mean we were all new once.
    607, Gawadrolt, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  10. I think that comes under the part where I said "lots of accomplishments". :)
    SirChief_McCloud and Gawadrolt like this.
  11. Yes, the questions are being asked. In fact, I watched a conversation the other day where a new member asked a senior staff member what senior staff meant. I had to wiki it myself as I'm not really sure what they do besides road edits. The senior staff member jokingly said something that wasn't the real answer then carried on talking to friends and left. Meanwhile, the new person wanted an actual answer and I didn't know how to explain what the difference was between them and regular mods besides the edits, like I said.
  12. What is that supposed to mean, poopyhead?

    Also, time invested kept me here.
    Gawadrolt and Keliris like this.
  13. hmm. I, too, see the splash greeting being applied. I think i got lucky, playing on the same server as Shel. Never before was there a more loquacious player on emc.
  14. I stayed to play with a friend. Eventually he left and I made more friends - most of those don't play here any more and I've failed to make very many new ones. The friends who I still talk to often, I have on Skype. Penguin summed up my feelings on EMC nicely:
    607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  15. I needed a server that I didn't have to fear of losing my stuff to griefers/meanies and this is the only one that I found that that was possible. The first day I joined lots of people donated items to me to help me out and I thought that was awesome..most if not all those people are gone now :\ but I stood and I'm glad I did I've made many cool friends :D
    Gawadrolt, FoxyRavenger and Kytula like this.
  16. when I found emc I was so happy but when I acutely logged on I was disappointed when I asked questions people just sent me links and I was kinda hurt they couldn't spend 10 secs to explain then...what can I say... two days later I met shelLuser :) best player ever! then I met Poof second best player ever! so I stayed cause I like the friendly people not the jerks who tried to swindle me my starter armor:mad:
    Gawadrolt and Kytula like this.
  17. I play emc for the community the events and the unique shop system. Also I was sick of packed fractions servers with people and hackers destroy my terribly awful bases besides I like build better then fight
    IamTheNub, Gawadrolt and Kytula like this.
  18. I stayed due to the uniqueness of EMC but staying close to vanilla as much as possible. And, Logging in somedays when it's been a particularly rough one, and have my chat spammed with "hi" and "Wb''s keeps me coming back.

    I'm guilty of not always greeting every new player that joins, but very rarely do I see one join and no one greets them, or if they ask a question that it doesn't get answered. Usually if I'm the first to say welcome, then the majority of those on will follow suite, or visa versa :p leading by example helps.

    I also in my efforts to explain something they've asked will link them to the wiki. "Teach a man to fish" so if there isn't anyone on in the future who can answer their questions, they know 1 place at least that might.
    607, PhoenixAffinity and ShelLuser like this.
  19. Luckygreenbird threatened me with bodily harm.
  20. I have no idea why I'm still hear. The server no longer appeals to me. I pop on every once in a while, but I don't know why. I try to find things that will make me want to stay, but I find it hard to.

    Most of the people are amazing, and I'm glad they're here. That could be one reason I stay.
    ShelLuser likes this.