smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Iz boom boom booming period guis.
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  2. I've noticed in the vote results that there have been few no votes for the federation system.

    My question is, what are some of the concerns with the proposed system that people have?
    penfoldex likes this.
  3. I would like to say... IM FROM SMP7

    and ill like to be part of this team

    penfoldex likes this.
  4. Poke me when you are ready to come to LLO place?
    penfoldex likes this.
  5. Its Tuesday now, where is the results mba .-.
  6. There's a few discrepancies in the vote results (we believe someone has been spamming votes) so we're just trying to work out whether to hold a fresh vote or to just use the results we have now.
    penfoldex likes this.
  7. Welcome to the ICE AGE

    District 10 has been struck overnight by a massive winter storm. Conditions are expected to get worse. The snow may soon block out the light.
    This simply can't be allowed to happen! Bring back the light, LLOians. Enjoy yourselves in the snow, but don't let yourself get frozen...oh, that reminds me. Another storm is coming, and it could cover all of LLO.. (nah, just kidding. I'm too tired to do that, unless I get some help.)

    Don't let the darkness cover District 10! Stay warm..fireplaces help. :D

  8. See those white colors borders?
    Those are plots.
    Want it? Take it. Some rules tho:

    -The border needs to be visible. You can change how it looks like (as long as its not grass or dirt block)
    -Try to keep mobs not spawn where they can roam free.
    - You will need to place a sign somewhere in your plot with your in-game name and it has to be visible to everyone.

    (Maybe) More plots will come.
  9. After some discussion we have decided that we will be redoing the LLO federation vote. This is because we believe that there was some vote spamming taking place and so we have invalidated the results. I've copied my original post below to remind you about what we are voting for.

    A while ago, a few of us were discussing how we could change the LLO to attract some more members and to make it more active. The idea is to essentially "federate" the LLO. We have previously split the LLO into districts, however these were merely something on a map. However, our idea now is to split the LLO into districts, which would act almost as separate, autonomous outposts.

    Each of these districts would have a representative (essentially a leader), who would sit on an LLO council, along with other representatives and other select LLO members. The job of this council is make make sure each district is working in the best interest of other districts and would oversee cooperation and construction of things such as rail lines between the districts. This council is not in charge of the LLO, but is simply there for guidance. For example, things such as the rail line would continue to be expanded and maintained by the community, the council would be there to ensure that expansion and maintenance gets done. They couldn't make any decisions without the community agreeing with them.

    These district representatives could run their districts however they want, as long as they (mostly) keep the LLO's original ideals of being free and open. For example, the representatives could control land by splitting it into plots, but they couldn't prevent people from moving into the district. Each district could have their own thread on the forums (although preferably they would then send people to this thread) and they could advertise independently.

    Each district could have its own town hall system like the LLO has, where people based in that district could discuss what is happening. There would then be a main LLO town hall where we would discuss issues and happenings regarding the whole LLO.

    If we do put this system in place, our goal would be to split the current LLO area into districts and bring new people into these existing areas to populate them. We would not go expanding the LLO and creating any more new districts until we need to. There are already some loosely defined districts in the LLO which we could base our final definitions on, however we would do this once this system is in place.

    Because this needs to be a community decision, I have a set up a form where you can all go and vote yes or no for this idea. Voting will be open until the morning of the 29th of July (GMT).
    Vote Here

    If anyone has any questions or concerns, please just say so here.

    Thanks :D
    zulu9 and penfoldex like this.
  10. Why I voted no:

    I voted no because I feel like federating the LLO would have the opposite effect of what we hope to achieve. The main selling point of the LLO is that we've managed to stay as one outpost even with all the members that have come and gone. I feel that splitting it into districts would ruin that feel, making us feel more like a country rather than a community. I feel we should all keep as one outpost, and report to no one, instead of changing the way that our outpost has thrived in the past. I know the LLO is slow, and some might say it's had its day, but out of all of the outposts that have been born and died on EMC, none of have managed to exist for as long as the LLO. I say we keep the LLO united rather than fragmented.
    zulu9, Kaizimir and mba2012 like this.
  11. You raise a good point, but I'd like to disagree. This isn't about dividing the community; it's about better management in growing LLO. Simply dividing into districts changes nothing about daily life. The "reporting" is simply a way for everyone to get their voice heard, whether it's in-game, on the forums, at town hall meetings, or simple conversation. It would not place anyone above each other. I believe the representative is more of a messenger. The community is still one, but this system allows for LLO to simply be better managed. It's grown so large, that if we wish to continue growing, we need better managing. Running around all of LLO can take quite a bit of time, so making LLO smaller allows for better thoughts of what everyone needs. I vote we federate the LLO, but would like to amend the system. More to come.
  12. I'd agree to change my vote depending on how districts are laid out. I think we should change the lines a bit to put more inactive districts in with the active ones.
    zulu9 likes this.
  13. That'd make perfect sense. I assume we'll be laying out the district lines (if it's passed, of course. Depends on what the community really wants) once the federation vote is over.
    zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  14. That's the plan (to both :p). We'll use some inspiration from the original districts, but they'll probably be larger and encompass multiple former districts. If we need/want to in the future, we can split the districts up a bit as they get more active.

    My general plan is basically we'd have an eastern district (little toronto, the east jungle etc. out to the wall), the north district (the snowy area to the north where pen lives), the jungle and the south, yetti village and the west, Jimbotown and northern edge, and chicken shores.

    Obviously we can expand on that and add or remove areas that are more remote, but we shouldn't have too many, or to little :p
    zulu9 likes this.
  15. Guys, the voting is still open until next Wednesday. We would really like some more votes.

    Vote Here
  16. Would I be able to join?
    zulu9 and penfoldex like this.
  17. Yeah, of course! I'll PM you a map, coords, and some basic information you should know soon.
    zulu9 likes this.
  18. Thanks :D