Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. Ok who ISNT in the army? like seriously!
    Sopby, lolkold, Twitch1 and 2 others like this.
  2. We only make up less than 1% of the American population..
    I don't know the numbers concerning the other countries... :)
  3. Let me rephrase, Who in EMC Isnt in the army?
  4. /me raises hand
  5. I don't think im old enough to go in the army :p Dont Judge!!!
    newo88 likes this.
  6. I'm not :)
  7. I used to be In the army, but then I took an arrow to the knee....
    j/k of course, it had been used to death but I couldn't resist the oppurtunity :p
  8. We respect you for being honest, Shaun. :)
  9. Real men Deal with arrows to the Knee (jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkkjk)
  10. I have to agree with this.I am contesting Shaun's manhood.
    IPwnCreeps and shaunwhite1982 like this.
  11. Lol, i dont take challenges lightly :p
    But public forums are not the place for speaking of manhoods. ;)
    oidking, Malicaii12 and S_R_L_B like this.
  12. I was talking more about your male ego instead of that, but okay.
  13. WHOA!
    melk73, zSlumDog and Mrsmiley99 like this.
  14. i might post one...
  15. I like photo's better upside down :p Maybe i'll upload a few, although, I'm not photogenic in anyway and my sobriety in existing photo's of me is very limited :p
    bitfed and lolkold like this.
  16. The post is not that only thing i liked ;)
  17. hehe, no, I know it seems like they're too cool to sell in stores, but I assure you, they do. ;-D
    apamment and MR2R2M like this.
  18. Hey in British and I still live in London :( don't dis
  19. Fine me dont post pics.
  20. thats one, som
    eone wants to see me :) *wink * *wink*
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