Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Guys let's not judge peoples' personal lives. There's nothing wrong here. If she's happy, then so are we all :)
    Olaf_C, QuarterStop, FDNY21 and 4 others like this.
  2. I'm not judging anyone. I just said that it was young to have a child, because it is. And if you disagree then you're obviously crazy lol.

  3. Also, it's not a matter of age, it's a matter of maturity. There is no "too young to have a child" but there is "not mature enough to have one". So I believe she was mature enough to have a child. :)
  4. I wont lie it was pretty young, But under the circumstances i was in... it wasn't my fault and im completely against abortions, Sebastian is a bright intelligent little boy and i regret nothing. Same thing goes for Anne. I regret NOTHING , ever. They are my life and nothing will ever change that. I'm sick, alot. Sebastian knows how to get me my pills and everything. Hes a very bright little boy and my world. I wont be judged by people who spend their life on minecraft not over my kids. This is why he doesn't have any social profiles. and why hes only aloud to play games on xbox offline without me. I know thats a tad strict but he gets made fun of as it is for his mom having him so young. thanks.
    sambish20, 72Volt, Olaf_C and 10 others like this.
    Here's proof that bearing a child at 13 is uncommon. To be honest, 13 years old and having a child doesn't show signs of maturity. Though she's probably mature enough now (being that she's 20 years old). Let's face the facts here. She probably went through puberty when she was what, 11 years old? That's 2 years after she was able to even reproduce. You're just being condescending to people who don't think the same as you because you want to be liked by people. Just stating my opinion. If you don't like it than you can take your replies and hit the road and block me.
  6. I never said that you should regret anything or abort your baby lol. I'm not judging anyone. You admited it yourself that what I said above was true. You're literally defending yourself against things that weren't even said.
    SoulPunisher and battmeghs like this.
  7. I don't think monster was trying to be rude or attack you at all. He's just telling death that it is young to have a kid. He never said it was wrong or anything. If I was in your position I would've done the same exact thing :) you go girl.
  8. Thank you for standing up for me. i really appriciate it. I have took very good care of him even in doubt that im horrible. Or thinking he was better off getting adopted. At the end of the day he knows i love him and i know he loves me. Anne is very bright too. [though shes a tad... touched.] She likes biteing doors.... dont ask me.. i dont even know. hahahaha, people also ask me if i have kids why am i on minecraft all the time

    heres my awnser : Sebastian me and Anne are all in the same room most of the time, i watch them 24/7 besides when Sebastian gets on the school bus and off it. also our time zones are DIFFERENT. Anne still sleeps with me whilst Sebastian sleeps 2 rooms from me. NEXT TO MY MOTHERS ROOM. I'm not saying im perfect. yes some times i need my moms help. But i am mature enough to realize kids arnt a joke. They arnt easy.
    QuarterStop, sonicol1 and deathconn like this.
  9. Meh, I guess its just mommy instincts .
  10. My gosh people, give her some privacy. She shouldn't have to justify her life choices in order to feel like she isn't being looked down upon. Intentional or not, when certain subjects are brought up, there is just no way to word it without sounding rude. Those subjects are just best to be left alone. So let us all just move on. :)

    If you are going to judge someone on here for anything judge them on how the follow proper Minecraft symmetry. There is no other reason to be critical of someone on here or question their choices.
    wisepsn, Alyattayla, Olaf_C and 7 others like this.
  11. Alright let's all calm down here and get this thread back on track. Everyone has their own beliefs and should respect others beliefs too. As for the instigators who trying turn this into a whole thing on this thread please stop you know who are so stop.
  12. Nobody is being critical. I defended my opinion, and someone elses opinion. She was the one that posted about children. The only privacy she violated is her own lol.
    SoulPunisher, battmeghs and 607 like this.
  13. Facing facts? I'm not being condescending just for people to like me, are YOU crazy? I actually find that a little rude. I said what I said because that's what I truely believe. Sure, not many people have kids at 13 but I DO believe that it is a matter of maturity. You can have your opinion, and I'll have mine. Just don't shoot people under the bus because they don't agree with you.
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  14. wheres the popcorn at
    72Volt, Olaf_C, QuarterStop and 8 others like this.
  15. wisepsn, Olaf_C, QuarterStop and 5 others like this.
  16. You're the one shooting me under the bus because "I was judging other people" when I clearly wasn't judging anyone. Get off your high horse and stop saying that I was doing things when I clearly wasn't. I don't need your high school drama bullcrap because it's pointless. Stop replying you're so offended.
  17. Yea didn't I just stop instigating the situation. Now stop and go to pm with if your so adamant about it.
    deathconn, southpark347 and Monster_ like this.
  18. image.jpg you do it like this guys
    BailiB, Faithcaster, Olaf_C and 13 others like this.
  20. Woah there big guy, wasn't shooting you under the bus. Right now I'm on my minuature pony, I must work my way up to the high horse. I also don't understand why the high school part matters either. So please, if you'd like to rant on about this some more, then PM me and we can continue there.
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