Noob Moments, GO!

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Xinn, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Bringing 2 Ore Busters Into the wild for no reason. Partner died from Enraged Zombie. I had 3 hearts. No sword left.

    Let me just say hitting an enraged zombie with an ore buster doesnt do as much damage as I thought.

    You know if I think about it, I was super duper wuper far somewhere so the Ore Busters might still be there...
  2. Why would they not despawn if they are not in loaded chunks?
  3. yep once my stuff stayed right outside of my nether transport poral for a day.
    607 likes this.
  4. After not venturing out of town, I decided to make base in utopia. Several hours later I had found a place, and decided to make a cobble generator. Being the derp I usually am, I started making it like I do in town, not thinking twice about just jumping in the lava for teh lolz, only to realize that it was going to kill me.
    607 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  5. um....almost every day...
  6. When I didn't know how to break a block
  7. I was playing minecraft for the first time, figured out how to break a block after a while, and then when I didn't know what to do with the pieces of wood, I went to youtube. If it weren't for youtube I'd have no idea on how to play minecraft.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  8. I know that feeling. I learned how to play from Tobuscus xD.
  9. he means him not knowing the vines can do that :p
  10. i was talking about the entire thing lol
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. I didn't see any stupid things:)
  12. My first two MC nights on EMC I spent hiding in my cobble stone house waiting for mobs to come out and try to kill me. I finally asked where mobs were to quickly find out they don't spawn in town.

    good times.
    607, jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  13. When I first played minecraft, I didn't know very much about anything at all.. and the wiki was pretty sparse. I ended up experiencing my first death while AFK, because I didn't know the crafting window wasn't a pause screen.

    And some bad experiences of not knowing what a creeper was. Just thought it was an armless zombie or something.
    jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  14. This made me remember my first time in Single Player. I found a really nice little spot and decided to build my house, it turned night and I quickly blocked myself in and waited until it was day. I did this every time it became night but still couldn't figure out why there were no mobs. I was on peaceful.
  15. I think all the time for me, not being on peaceful is less than 30 minutes together