Moderator Application [Updated February 17th, 2012]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by GameKribJEREMY, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. Ahh..
    I think he means like AusQB dead.
    Squizzel_Boy and Green_Mystery like this.
  2. This.
  3. how you get that ''áchevement get!,,?
  4. does not work
  5. u need to enter a text and put an image, and your done.
  6. jes i did but it does not work
  7. ask somewhere else as this isnt the right thread to ask how it works
  8. Jeremy! =D You should wipe all the randomness and spam and see where we are out of 18 pages
  9. We would have but 1 post, the original...
  10. Actually, that's true! Becuase half is just randomness, and the other half is the less then smarts saying "I Snet in mAyhhhh Aplerlicaioiotnnn!!! Maykee me a MUrderoorrtorr!!!!!"
    SecretAznEks and Twitch1 like this.
  11. haha, true but this is Jermey's thread so I will let him decide when to delete all the replies.
    I would love to clean it up as he would still be able to pick through and see it but that is just more work than required. :)
    jackomighty likes this.
  12. Can we just lock this thread? We only need the link to the app, not the rest of this stuff
    Skilled_Creeper likes this.
  13. It belongs to Jeremy. He has his reasons for leaving it open. How else can we weed out those who do not even follow simple instructions?
  14. Its fun to talk
  15. Just wondering would having a shop with a supply chain of people be counted as a group/clan kind of thing?
  16. I don't think so. Groups/clans are more like Copher's Delta Team (I assume)
  17. In what way is this even remotely on topic?
    I am scratching my head at this question more than trying to formulate an answer.......
    jkjkjk182 and hayleycolgan like this.
  18. in the app it says that if you are made into a staff member, you may have to leave any groups/clans you are in. the question is if you are ok with that or not. I think that's what he is getting at.
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