iSmooch Games :: Be A Star :: Contest

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by iSmooch, May 1, 2012.

  1. Me mic is amazing
  2. Well, I'll probably start filming today, sometime. #winning
  3. Fo sure!
  4. I have a 120$ mic....
  5. *cough* *cough*that doesn't mean anything*cough* *cough*
  6. mine gets softer in my video editer but in skype and other stuff it rocks!
    LuxuryMushroom likes this.
  7. It means its high quality lol. I just had like 4 fans going since it was hot as hell.
  8. We have Mr. Negative here :eek:
    Frodomann1 likes this.
  9. i didnt think yours was much better i heard a high pitch scream from your mic.. lol dont criticise so much bob
    nerone94 and Frodomann1 like this.
  10. I am making an assumption but I think iSmooch's mic is better than all of yours xD
  11. probably mine is partially broken so it doesn't help much also playing music during video made it sound quiet
  12. Did you just try to hijack the thread? :p

    Anyways I came home just a tad before the 7th of may so I will submit my video of pure awesomeness *cough* soon.
    ISMOOCH and Frodomann1 like this.
  13. I didn't hijack, cos ISMOOCH would let me :D
  14. And Dreamytje, I feature your shop!
  15. I'm more proud of my 3k dolalr computer regardless.
    Frodomann1 likes this.
  16. I had to reset my CPU bc of virus...I lost 200$
  17. yeah my microphone is super awesome ;).. its not.. it is the lowest end headset i could get a Wal-Mart.. no joke.. hayley was on the phone when I went and bought it. What decent sound quality I manage to pull down is after each recording session i spend about and hour messing with the sound in SoundBooth until it as least decent enough to listen to.
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  18. Do you like mah video?
  19. Awww thx! :D