how to improve the spawn rate in the dark room grinder??

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by WHITEWOLFIX, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Yes, but entities are not just mobs.
  2. and your point is.... if all there are is mobs in the trap then its showing the total mobs..
  3. I think he's referring to the fact that entities also count items, boats, paintings etc.
  4. Thats true, and mobs spawned with eggs and from a mob cage do not count toward the mobcap
  5. Hey said that there is a mob cap of 75 I showed him that it was 80~90. He then said that its items in the trap...
    I'm saying there is only mobs in the trap, not items...
    This thread is for dark room spawners and why they don't work like they do in single player. If you don't have any constructive ideas to that end please don't post.
  6. I was constructive with my mob spawning science. Youre just trying to prove the code wrong...
    Please take a read :)
    More specifically the part that says the hostile mobcap is 70 in multiplayer, or 79 in single player.
    Ive read the code. I know things
  7. Well i'm going of what I see in game... not trying to prove code wrong.

    and you have only nitpicked my posts and not give any ideas to the problems at hand.
  8. Lolwut.
  9. The last big one I built has it so that they only have to trave at most 2 blocks (usually 1) to end up getting sucked down to death. I think that is probably the most responsible (if that's possible) method of running a darkroom spawner and not clog up the place with mobs.