How fast is your connection?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by JustinGuy, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Nobody should be ashamed of their connection. It's not like you've shown us some embarassing physical malformation. Buck up! Yer playin' Minecraft, for cryin' out loud.

    Regarding below, did you mean that the K's legs were silver and not red?
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  2. I didnt notice, but Im not even on talk talk :S
  3. Oh lol :p well my friend says "He would rather Have no internet then have talk talk so he doesn't single handedly kill all the staff with a chainsaw" that is word to word to what he said
  4. Virgin Media FTW :p

  5. My ping is kind of bad at the moment, I usually test at 12~14ms according to's history. My router lost one of its on-board network interfaces in a power outage lately, I had to plug in a USB NIC instead. It can hold up with the raw speed but adds about 10ms round-trip (judging by some traceroute's).
  6. They probably have a leased T1 that is used for every connection throughout the hospital, and the publicly accessible wifi is throttled on top of it. Even out here in the cornfields I can beat that (on a good day--on a bad one, all bets are off).

    Ping: 79ms
    Down: 1.12 Mb/s
    Up: 0.27 Mb/s
  7. After the move, my internet is not as terrible as it was.

  8. Wow. There are some really slow connections out there...

  9. LOL and this is New Zealand the worst internet in the world xD

  10. I think I did good. :) OLD ^^^

    NEW ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Increased by 1%. 84% faster than
    all people in the United States...?
  11. The best bit is, There doubling it for free at the end of march! :D
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  12. Old outdated crap Century Link gave me without cable...


    I wish I had never fell for the failed DSL connection, glad to be back on a cable line!

    Lets see if I can handle a higher resolution Texture Pack while on-line. :D
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  13. How will faster internet improve it?
  14. at work its embarrising barely getting 12 at home i get like 23
  15. I just pinged to Nasa, 989MB up 1GB down.
  16. My net is a bit down today so

  17. dont work for nasa away from home too much check my profile for new job my wife was complaining that we spent "no time together"
  18. My computer is capable of handling a nice amount of graphics offline, it just was effected by the server data trying to process through such a small bottleneck, theoretically anyway... I get 64 fps average with Fancy/Far with 16x and 32x online so I am going to see what I get with a 64x TP now. :)
    bonzd67 likes this.