Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. First Trans - Ocean airplane trip has been complete from Volt - Maximus, it was slow but it was fun :)
  2. Joint work Devon!

    (I gave you the blueprints)
  3. No that was my design, you had something with grey wool and stuff, besides the point all is good and all is done
  4. I see we have some competition.
  5. We worked together for once, things got a bit sour at the end
  6. Things have resumed again. We thought each other had stolen each others items.
  7. Interior work has begun on the manor located behind onetoad castle if anyone wants to take a peek
  8. . . .
  9. Been away on vacation sorry
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  10. help! there is a giant zombie!
    Kaizimir likes this.
  11. Cool, where. lol
    607 likes this.
  12. Its finally done! Heres some major interior rooms and the exterior!
    Jennypoo10, 607, VoxelRay and 3 others like this.
  13. I know I'm a little late (by little, I mean a few years), but which server number is this on?
    If it happens to be on a different server, maybe there could be some sort of cross-server embassy?
    Which could be used for things like trading, building help, etc.
  14. Smp9.
  15. Nah its my Manor
  16. I can bring you out sometime, Whenever works for you, school gave us a 4 day weekend, end of the grading period and all
  17. Your still alive!? jk;)
  18. i have a momentus in, .... a place I occupy.. how do we kill it so i can build?
  19. Make sure you sleep on bed not far from momentus away. and i preffer to wear the voters armor so i don't lose it. and then kill -> die -> kill die. at the end you get it. I know a bit the trick now so a bit more easy.