Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I don't see what's wrong with the regular one.
  2. Golden wyvern ;) and you have 50 adults to get it,
  3. Well, he's got the Wyvern, but fifty adults? The Wyvern probably counts as one though....
  4. oid, it says i can claim any more dragon eggs even tho i killed one how do i claim another one???
  5. You killed one.. Bad idea. You cant get another for a day. You shouldve abandoned it.
  6. we needs one...
  7. Thanks for over 100 clicks on my dragon egg, guys!
  8. 100 CLICKS!?!?! I do hope you mean views.
    Seberling likes this.
  9. Oh , yeah. Sorry. I meant views.:)
  10. My eggs have like, a thousand views. :)
  11. Each? I have one egg though, just to start off.
  12. Oops, I made a booboo.. SOOOOOO, Who wants a bronze tinsel..? *tries hiding bronze egg from the princess* ..I have a pink and a bronze that bonded for life and I just accidentally bred the bronze with the wrong pink.. <,<
  13. Click MEH eggs or chickenstien will get you um new to this dragon crap so CLick meh eggs
  14. Bah. Whats so great about Bronze Tinsels? They are so ugly.
  15. <,<... Okay, I will take it to the DC forums then..
  16. Ohh -- another dragon cave thread -- how did I miss this?!

    I have a serious "red hoarder" thing developing :D

    Here's my lovelies:
  17. :eek: That's...uh...a nice collection you've got going...
    AlexHallon likes this.
  18. we cant see the lovelies no preaches we cant