Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. cool. click meh eggeis please
  2. I have a FAR relative of penk :p
  3. And thuweds and dorkfaces.
  4. My omelettes are gonna be soooo delicious, please nobody click my eggs.....
    AlexHallon and TheTrufflehunter like this.
  5. just because you said that, i clicked them all. ;)
  6. Just got 2 new eggs.

    Oh, and oidgod, you're the expert on this. My brown egg has over 400 views, and it's 3 days and 16 hours, yet not one crack has appeared.
  7. Just got 1 a few minutes ago. I need clicks !!! xD
  8. Clicked.
    migueldemesa likes this.
  9. just got a new croppage. don't forget to click my eggs while I'm away, i don't want them to die!
  10. Than youre in trouble :eek: . Post your eggs here: http://lair.silverdrak.de/index.php
  11. Im also gonna need to leave for summer camp tomorrow.
  12. Wait... I see a crack in it!
  13. I made 2 AP rescues recently... One is a purple 5th gen Thuwed () and the other is a red 6th gen Dorkface ()
  14. I just got alot of my eggs hatched. Now time to.... GET MORE EGGIES!
  15. I find myself winning. Look at my latest egg to see what I mean.
  16. nice
  17. Naow click mine, because I clicked yours! :p
    AlexHallon likes this.
  18. click mine