Comments on Profile Post by Crazy1080

  1. Olaf_C
    Reading and writing. Two of the best helpers with your problem. Reading is the teacher, and writing is the output.
    Aug 2, 2014
  2. Crazy1080
    I suppose I didn't, ah, articulate the point well enough. My horrifying social anxiety makes it difficult for me to tell the people who create content I enjoy that I enjoy the content they create.

    I get stuck in an endless loop of rewriting and editing until I ctrl+w in frustration. You could make a small novel out of my unseen posts.
    Aug 2, 2014
  3. Olaf_C
    I can definitely relate. What i do post makes me sound like an idiot, and what I do not in hind sight is what I should post. It is hard work to get past the anxiety, but you have to take a chance with what you say.
    Aug 2, 2014
  4. 1MB
    My drama instructor in high school made me open my mouth wider when I speak to help are-tick-you-late my words :) Doing so inhibited me to be able to properly do tongue twisters that would generally make other's curse if they attempted them. :P
    Aug 2, 2014
  5. 1MB
    For memory reading and writing is good, to an extent. However, the best way I learned to properly memorize what I've read was to read it out-loud in my head. It's a weird concept, but it works.
    Aug 2, 2014
  6. 1MB
    Moreover, if you also have say a test with a lot of questions you need to memorize... go through the list marking off the things you already know... and reread only the ones not marked off, and slowly mark them off a little at a time, until none are left.
    Aug 2, 2014
  7. 1MB
    Don't read the incorrect answers, only the correct answers - if you read the incorrect answers... when it's time to actually take the test you'll be thinking 'Oh which one was the right one'... this helps my memory improve. :)
    Aug 2, 2014
  8. 1MB
    (jeeze these character limits) lol
    Aug 2, 2014
  9. Crazy1080
    this is one of those times where I'd like to say "thank you for taking time to talk to me" but would instead close the window before posting it.
    Aug 2, 2014