Nation of Volt (ESTABLISHED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by rock00888, Aug 2, 2013.

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  1. Rock.

    I'm quite frankly appauled by your little signs in Wrem telling people my apartment is illegally owned and is closed.

    I also am appauled by your PM telling me and Gollark you can put us in jail for stepping foot on Voltian ground.

    So, since the section of track protected by glass is Voltian, we cannot come through to Snowv, rightfully owned GR territory.

    Even more reason for me to build the western route.

    So, I have been ridiculed in the past for nothing.

    While you can threaten me and Gollark?

    And seize property from me?

    How undemocratic is THAT???
  2. If you have an issue, bring it up in a PM, like rock did. Don't spam the forums with useless arguments.
    herocrafter2912 and rock00888 like this.
  3. did anyone ever say that volt was a 'democracy'?
    herocrafter2912 and rock00888 like this.
  4. Well I can certainly say Rock is making it be a dictatorship.


    That's appauling.
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  5. Volt is a dictatorship and has been since it was founded.
    rock00888 likes this.
  6. Yes, it has always been a dictatorship. I did not just randomly decide that these measures shall be implimented. You have repeatedly caused problems in Volt. I also did not just say that you cannot enter, rather I said that you can apply for a visa. I also bought that apartment from holly. However you got it, it was illegal. You may try to get some comprnsation from whoever you bought the apartment from through a convo. Please stop posting grievances you have against me on the forum.

    Edit: Auto correct made the second to last sentence non sencical. It has been changed.
  7. We are up to page 15!
  8. im having problems making a shop, can you show me how you did it?
  9. Holly obviously gave it to me Rock, the least you could have done was explain your intentions more then going all out and saying "oh its martial law this ain't kittens".
  10. Ok
    Here it is

    (Player name)
    [slot 1]

    You also have to lock the chest or else it can't be effective. Just put what you want in the chest and only what you want to sell and it should work.
  11. Wait, does this kind of shop work in the wild?
    rock00888 likes this.
  12. Yup, we already have a few shops in volt. You should come out and see. Haven't seen much of you for awhile...
  13. Is it meant to work in the wild? :p

    Also, I've been pretty busy lately. I'll make sure to come and check it out soon.
    rock00888 likes this.
  14. Apparently! I posted a suggestion that they should be added and some people said they already existed! So I assume this was intentional.
  15. Anyone wanna start a shop in Volt? It's a great investment and there are still several shops yet to be occupied!
    devon699 likes this.
  16. All Voltian citizens are now not allowed on GR territory, as a result of Rock's ignorance towards both me and Gollark.
  17. Ignorance? You are trying barring all Voltian citizens from a non established territory? Volt has only barred high level GR government officials, and this was because several blocks were broken by kitten and he has refused to leave on several occasions.
  18. Yes everyone, I admit to breaking several blocks ROCK PLACED IN THE WAY OF MY APARTMENTS ENTERANCE IN WREM.
  19. I doubt you will be able to enforce this.
  20. I understand that you are angry with rock, but post this in your own GR thread, please. We don't like to see posts that have anything to do with your rock-kitten quarrels.
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