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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. It's actually pretty difficult. But like anything else, it just takes practice. It took me a while to get used to auto-rotations.
    lolkold likes this.
  2. He's my boyfriend. And yeah he's blonde,not naturally though..obviously. :)
    jlopez24 likes this.
  3. boyfriend? :confused:!@? how did he get a girl like you! GRR >_< lol xD
    jlopez24, Malicaii12 and S_R_L_B like this.
  4. Not I... though I may end up doing work for them. I'm a computer science major, so who knows?
  5. Moderators get all the ladies ;)
  6. Respect. Macs are the best!

    People have asked me what PC I'm using because I rarely lag.

    I say "PC, lol."
    oidking likes this.
  7. Lies Crazy don't have a girlfriend!
  8. LOL Every man in my country have to be in the army at least 3 years unless they work as government officials or become a doctor
    Or final choice is in jail :p
  9. As true as that may be...
    It's for a good reason. :p

    (Which would be that I am a Mormon and thus have no intentions of dating before I'm older.. Yeah, that's it.)
  10. Lol, girls will come later in life for me, or so I am hoping, XD But for now, I am focussed on getting my degree :)

    Crazy, crazy, dont worry man, one day you will have many many wives, you are one of the few people here that can have many wives :p Lucky bugger :p
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  11. I can't have many wives.
    I can have one.

    The LDS church does not support, allow or condone bigamy or polygamy, and will excommunicate any member that practices such things. If it takes me 20+ years to get one wife, why would I ever want to risk that by courting another woman? It's disrespectful.
  12. Oh you are part of the later day saints church, cool cool :p
  13. I dont have any but this should tell you how I feel most of the time on the internet.

    AlexHallon and NurglesRott like this.
  14. Yes, and any other group that claims to be Mormon is mistaken.

    But I'm getting off-topic. Sorry about that.
    oidking likes this.
  15. I agree with the first paragraph. The second, not so much. Girls are a handful. I've got 5 sisters and they sometimes drive me up the wall. I can't imagine being married to one girl, let alone 3 or 4!!

    Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
    I keed. There's a time and a place for theological discussions and this is not one of them.
    This is a place where people of any religion and any nationality (as long as they can speak english) can have fun together. That's what makes the community so fantastic!
    MR2R2M likes this.
  16. Which ones malicaii? ;trollface: (jk)
    Malicaii12 and Sopby like this.
  17. You feel like the captain of the Enterprise :D
    S_R_L_B likes this.
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