Yum or Yuck?[Game]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Contristing, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. yum


    hot cocoa with cream and wafers
  2. Yeah that thing and YUM!!!

  3. No

    ferrero rocher
  5. No...

    Jones Soda Co. [ Cream Soda flavoured ]
  6. yum


    blueberry waffles with maples syrup?
  7. Yus!

    Ice cream with hot waffles!
  8. mehish - yum?


    what about the chocolate covered caramels by whimsy?

  9. Meh!

    werthers candy
  10. Yum

    Aquazzz likes this.
  11. No

    deep fried mac N cheese
  12. Yuck
    Chocolate covered strawberries
  13. yuck
    life cereal (without milk)
  14. Yum, I'm not a fan of milk.

    vanilla Ice cream
  15. Yuck.

  16. Yuck lol

    Cheese toasty
  17. wat. i luv dem
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. Yuk
    Balut (Google it)