xXvexenXx's Head for Museums

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by xXvexenXx, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. If you are a museum owner and wish to have a xXvexenXx Moderator head for your display, please post it here and state res number and server please. There are some stipulations:

    1. You must own the museum you are requesting the head for
    2. Only 1 head is available for each server
    3. Besides my own collection, only 12 of these will exist
    4. The ones donated to museums cannot be sold, auctioned or profited from in any way

    If you can accept and live with these stipulations, let me know if you want a head. I have 10 freshly severed heads awaiting distribution.
    DavisatDavis likes this.
  2. 14006 smp7
  3. 16041, Smp8. I'm going to make the flag lobby of the upper-lower room a head display.