Wilderness/Frontier Outpost Signage

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ajmyers34, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. So, over the weekend I decided to run out to my Outpost to check on things. Upon arrival, I found that my Locks were a bit wonky. Names of myself and Dragon_Assasin have been replaced by User #'s. I am unable to open anything.

    I could use some help with this. Screenshot included showing Signs in current state, as well as coords on SMP3. And yes, I am still out there ....figuring on needing to be there to either re-lock or assist Staff :)
  2. Those those are older lock signs and need SS to come redo them for you. Hope it's not been too inconvenient for you.
  3. We just need to know where it is, and we'll get it fixed for ya
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. Is just super old ones? Like is there a general timeframe where they would end up like this?
    Pab10S likes this.
  5. Not really super old. They are as old as the Outpost concept is. Haven't been out that way (loaded chunk) for some time, and was thinking this may be the reason.

    Chicken, this is in the Frontier of SMP3. Coords on Screenshot.
  6. i had chicken fix one or two of mine that were like from 2020 or 2019
    ThaKloned likes this.
  7. I got those signs fixed.
  8. I'm just seeing that now. Thank you so much!!!!