Wild Teleportation/Portal

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Astromath1959, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. First: I did see the old 2013 thread. I've seen the pro/con arguments. Enough said.
    Second: I'm resurrecting the thread with a new thread.

    I'm thinking after 8 years, it's about time to look at this again.

    There's a build I would like to construct. However, the build requires either teleportation and/or portals. If any d&d fan out there has played The Temple of Elemental Evil, they'll know what I'm talking about. There's a floor that has 4 portals inscribed on the floor which are activated by portal keys. They each teleport you to a different underground node (air, earth, fire, water).

    I have looked into possibly building it in Utopia Town. However, the length of the dungeon surpasses 120 blocks (not including the size increase due to minecraft wall thickness). It must be built in the frontier.

    So, for the suggestion:
    1) Add teleportation that can only be used within the frontier (or frontier nether).
    2) Limit the teleportation to 10 chunks.
    3) Teleportation through chat will be disallowed.
    4) Admins are exempt from the above limitations.

    1) This limitation is so you cannot teleport to/from other servers.
    2) This limitation is needed so that teleportation cannot be abused by teleporting all over the frontier.
    3) This limitation, combined with the above 2 reasons, prevents teleporting to/from outposts of the same frontier.
    4) This lifts the restrictions for admins in case they need to use this system for various purposes.

    I designed the suggestion so that there's (almost) no way to abuse it. It must be activated by a location sign using some sort of redstone device such as a lever or even a "key" item.
    SkeleTin007 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  2. Now, I'm 87% sure this is actually planned to come in the empires update. Your empire would have a main spawn you tp to from town, then from there you have tps within your empire.

    I would like the sign addition, I think that's kind of cool. Just a simple tpsign that works in the frontier and only within your claimed empire area, now that's an idea. I'm not sure it would be added before empires unfortunately, but the 10 chunk limit is an good alternative beforehand, if it were to be.

    Also, you don't need to worry about limiting the admins, or making exceptions for them in your posts. All the devs are admins and will make sure they can override any limits to teleporting or otherwise.

    Now as the empire update is not yet finished, and we're unsure when it will be, how open are you to brainstorming and designing an alternative way to get to your trials? I've got some ideas, if you'd like to hear them.
    Of course, if you don't mind waiting, that's an option too.

    Last thing: never underestimate players, they can and will find ways to exploit the system. The best way to combat this is to keep the ideas simple and figure out solutions as we go along. Tpsign, with a limited range, would work well, but I did think of a possible way to exploit it, which would be to just layer tpsigns every 10 chunks. while it wouldn't be the prettiest option, you could just keep right clicking until you got to your destination. That's why I believe something like this wouldn't come until empires.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  3. You have a point about the "layering" of tp signs. It would be better if there was a way to claim the land you want to build on. But, you say we'll be able to do that in the empires update (timeline: TBD). I've got to wait anyway for the EMC 1.18 update (which I hope is soon). I need the extra depth.