Wild Communities

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by k123nino, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Hello all!
    I am writing this up as a feeler to other wild communities out there. I am interested to see how others have thrived and how they are built up. I know for the purpose secrecy some folks will not reply to this thread and I completely understand. But to the other communities that are out there, how do you get by? What infrastructure do you have in place?

    As an example, at LLO, we have a fledgling railway system that is constantly expanding. We have a welcome center at the center of our area where many of our group use structures are, such as an apartment complex for new comers to use until they build a house, and a farm system for their every need. We welcome all folks, we are selective and we have a variety of personalities that despite their disagree-ances(butchered that spelling) still find common ground in the community.

    So I am wondering how other folks are doing it. Let's hear your stories. And to be clear, a "community", should be upwards of 10 folks or more.