Who's ALT am I? You may never know.....

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by LarryTh3Cucumber, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. I can't deny.
  2. ...I just cant do this....
    *Goes to cry in a corner*
    Please.... please make it stop.
    Is it roblikescake?
  3. *facecucumber* No.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  4. Am...Am I right...?
  5. No
  6. xI_Like_A_Pigx?
  7. No
  8. I'd then guess MrLegitisLegit but I don't think he'd use a 3 for an E.
  9. I think you should give hints ;)
  10. I would but it is to obvious.
  11. Are they a supporter?
    Have they posted on this thread?
    Are they a well-known member?
  12. Hmmmm,
    Herobrin3?<- Since the 3=e
    Give us a hint, is your other main account a supporter?
  13. Bob Marley
    LarryTh3Cucumber likes this.
  14. It seems my thread turned out to be true.
  15. Iamsaj is who i think your main is...
  16. Correct.
  17. Yes,
  18. Heck Yeah..jpg
    Also, Larry is NOT my main/alt account....
  19. Bobthetomato9798
    Are the only options then..... :3
  20. 1. YES
    2. naw
    3. naw