What's your favorite movie, tv show, video game?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Zudea, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. I just think that the music in it is amazing
  2. I will preface this list by saying that I will miss many things. I always remember more things later.
    Movies: The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Let Me In, Star Wars (original trilogy only), District 9, Black Swan, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Zombieland
    TV show: South Park, Dragon Ball Z
    Video Games: Ace Attorney series, Professor Layton series, LOZ: Twilight Princess, The Walking Dead, Hotline Miami, Limbo, Deponia series, Animal Crossing series, Rocksteady Batman series, Dear Esther, Portal series, Left 4 Dead series, Lone Survivor, Minecraft, Bastion
    I might edit in more later. Edited more stuff in.
  3. Moive: Dictator
    Tv Show: Doctor who and torchwood
    Game: Fallout and skyrim
  4. Good thing posts can be edited
  5. Movie: All James bond films, sound of music
    TV: Mythbusters, impractial jokers, killer karaoke
    Games: MC, dead island, zombi u, halo 4, assassin's creed series (excluding 3), The witch's house, happy wheels
  6. Movies: Cheesepuffs
    TV: Cheesepuffs
    Games: Cheesepuffs

    (This is a joke xD)
  7. Movie: The Avengers
    TV Shows: Mythbusters, Top Gear, Pawn Stars, Regular Show
    Games: Assassin's Creed series, Halo 3 and Reach, MW2, Red Dead Redemption, Portal 2, Left for Dead series, Minecraft, Mount and Blade, Forza Horizon, Need for Speed Most Wanted (the old one), New Super Mario Bros Wii U, Kingdom Hearts series, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Skyrim.

    I'd probably add more but I think I'll need a new thread for it.
  8. Movie - Dr.Strangelove : Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
    TV Show - McGyver
    Game - Fallout 3, Commander Keen, Need for Speed Underground 2
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. I like inception :)
  11. Movie: Hunger Games, Wreck-It Ralph, The Avengers
    TV Show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, American Dad, Regular Show, Dan Vs.
    Video Game: Portal 2, Portal, Minecraft, Halo 4, Civ V, Borderlands 2
  12. Movie: Fried Green Tomatoes or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    TV: Firefly, Castle, Walking Dead
    Video Game: WoW or MC
  13. Movie: The Expendables
    TV: Don't really have one
    Video Game: Minecraft, Call of Duty
  14. Movie: The Avengers
    TV show: Spongebob, How its made
    Video Game(s): Minecraft, GTA