What'd you get at the PPP drop party? (brag here)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Luckygreenbird, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. 2 kryssy heads, 2 aikar heads, aikar computer, aikar tnt thingy.
    FadedMartian likes this.

  2. - Buncha Vanilla things
    - 1x "Weighted Arrow"
    - 1x Ore Buster
    - 1x Permanent Derelict Protection Voucher
    - 14x special eggs from the chicken tower
    - 1x Krysyy Head
    - 2x Dragon Stone Fragments
    - 9x "Steel Spikes"
    - 1x enchanted gapple (is this vanilla? or not anymore or something weird?)
    - 2x highly coveted Not a Supporter Voucher
    - 1x Aikar's Computer
    - 1x Witch Gem
    - 1x Remote Shop Sign
    - 1x Maxarias Head
    JohnKid and ThaKloned like this.
  3. nothing - couldnt make it ahaha
    boscodo and ThaKloned like this.
  4. A Mineral Mincer
    A Hot Hat
    A Witch's Gem
    Some Vanilla stuff
    Eggs and paper
    And finally some Dancing Shoes.

    Might rename the eggs to be Chickeneer's grandkids.

    Edit Just logged in today to have gotten an Aikar Computer
  5. I got a aikar head, hot head, and 3 gapples.
  6. Krysyy's dancing boots
    4 aikar computers
    2 krysyy heads
    2 aikar heads
    1 hot head
    1 diamond voucher (plus the gold voucher somebody just... gave away before the event? love you man :p)
    2 remote shop signs

    no chin dirt so I'm not sure if it was actually worth it tho
    ThaKloned likes this.
  7. I got an (un)holy Purple Dye before I left out of lagging irritation.
    FadedMartian likes this.