What The Diamond Supply Is Selling

Discussion in 'Selling' started by ElephantsRoar, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. TDS is selling/buying:

    Vault Vouchers
    Stable Vouchers
    Feast For A King
    Cooked Turkey
    Blizz Ard's Nose
    Blizz Ard's Arm
    Blizz Ard's Eye
    Remote Shop Sign
    Taste The Freedom
    Dragon Stone
    Emerald Blocks
    Cupid's Bow UNBRK III
    Turkey Slicer
    Buying Stuffing Scoopers
    Sell 1 Ham Hacker

    Shiny Arrows
    Haunted Candy
    Shiny Flesh

    Those are just the promos we are selling, come to +TDS to see what other items we are selling.
  2. PM me if you want to sell me supporter vouchers