MY house just got burned down! My friend called me and said that my house was burning so i got on and I saw fire. This just happened I'm on smp6 my adrress is 12581. This is my only residence and it took me a while to build everything. I'm a fairly new player but i had big dreams, I built a store and was building apartments as well.
My guess is you had a fire or fireplace somewhere and didn't have your firespread flag off. Has happened to the best of us.
No i didn't give out any perms, I think that it was a lava dispenser i had in my basement. The fire damage seems to be around the area i had my lava in.
Wow thanks for all the help and support guys, when i got on i freaked but after all the kind donations and help I know i'll be able to fix the mess in no time! Glad i joined EMC really has the nicest people.
Firespread makes sure fire doesnt spread to any other flammable blocks, im not sure what /ignite f does