Hello there, I am writing this becuase I think it would be a good idea if we got /ptime. If you dont know what this is, it is player time. The reason I want the command is becuase when I record I want it to be day. So I have to wait a full 10 minutes just to record. When I could Just have this command. Plus it only effects your time. Also Day is Better Put down below if you agree/disagree with getting this command
Time is a server side control that affects the entire server (it controls when it's night so monsters spawn). This wouldn't be possible.
It's done. It's possible to alter time clientside as a visual thing only (eg: doesn't affect mod spawning). http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference/Perm
http://www.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/tcpack On that page for a bukkit plugin, it has several commands for adjusting individual player times. While the time is a server side feature for monster spawning, it is possible to change the time sent to a players client. I believe the time sent to a players client is not "used" by the server to determine mob spawns or other server functions (all of that has already been done), and thus can be changed.
I stand corrected then. While it can be changed, EMC will not be implementing this feature at this time.