We Need Your Help!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BTBEnterprises, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. B.T.B. Enterprises needs your help! B.T.B. Enterprises is a company on SMP9 run by benthebobjr and K_Kick. We have yet to post a forum explaining our company in full detail; however, once more progress is done regarding designs and ideas there will be a very detailed post. Speaking of designs and ideas, we need your help with ideas that will help in the creation of our Event Centre!

    What is the Event Centre?
    While the official B.T.B.E. forum post will go into much more detail, our Event Centre is a double res sized building that will contain many EMC player hosted events: a big drop party room, parkour, mazes, (possibly) Firefloor, etc. However, to shuffle things up and draw people to the Event Centre, we would like even more creative ideas.

    For a better idea on what the Event Centre could be like, here is the very old Event Centre we ran years ago. We based the idea of the new Event Centre on this old one: emc.gs/t/50916

    What do we need your help with?
    We have had some ideas for innovative and new events, but we can’t think of them all. We want you to help us come up with some more (note: we are only looking for one, but if two are equally interesting/creative we will accept two). There is a form at the bottom of this thread you can fill out once your event is designed and planned. There are instructions in the form. We want original and creative ideas, we do not want you to suggest event ideas that are used regularly in EMC events. We will not accept the types of events listed in the form, and we will not accept any events that include being disconnected from the Empire Minecraft server.

    What is in it for you?
    While we aren’t set on giving out a prize, we thought it might be best to give you all some motivation. Your name will be displayed on a sign at the event’s location giving you full credit for your idea. You will also be credited on the Information Floor (Floor 2) of Skylark Tower (B.T.B. Enterprises’ HQ, 19723). We didn’t plan on giving out a rupee prize either, but we have decided that if we get over 10 individual responses, the winner will receive 5k. If we get over 20 individual responses, the winner will receive 15k. If we get over 30 individual responses, the winner will get 25k. If two people are chosen, they will split the rupee prize (1k will be added to make the rupee prize split evenly). The rupee prize is based on the number of responses, not the number of winners.

    Thank you for your aid in building B.T.B. Enterprises!

    Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/RZjibDrugxdsUAyD2
    Ch33zus and benthebobjr like this.
  2. Reserved
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