Vote For You Favorite Staff Member

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JeffResc, Sep 25, 2013.


Who is your favorite staff member?

Justinguy 3 vote(s) 5.6%
IceCreamCow 8 vote(s) 14.8%
Maxarias 5 vote(s) 9.3%
Aikar 7 vote(s) 13.0%
iSmooch 5 vote(s) 9.3%
JackBiggin TEH HAMSTER!! 5 vote(s) 9.3%
Big Dwight 3 vote(s) 5.6%
All ob dem 18 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. I vote MauryPoppins.
  2. Darn I accidentally voted for smooch but thought it was Dwight, I still like smooch though even though he can be supah sassay
  3. I voted for iSmooch. I always vote for iSmooch.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  4. If you vote for iSmooch...all of your wildest dreams will come true.
  5. I voted for Max and then it said i voted for aikar (this was before the all of them option was listed). What happened?
  6. Just wanted to quote these... to say... i did not tell them to say that.. so you know its true
    Olaf_C likes this.
  7. This is probably true, probably.

    Thanks for the rupees.
  8. I think its safer to vote for them all..
    Olaf_C likes this.
  9. "All ob dem"
    Cant choose theyre all to good to just choose one :)
    Olaf_C likes this.
  10. Now to wait for 65 thousand roopeez to come to my roopee total
  11. my name got changed to all of dem im okay with this
    margaritte and CoDe4RiDeR like this.
  12. Funny bite. :D
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  13. I vote for bitemenow15
    CoDe4RiDeR likes this.
  14. Apparently dwight is now BIG dwight. Why does he get to be big? :p
  15. That edit was made by another staff member not me.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  16. Not saying that you don't deserve to be Big Dwight :p
  17. I vote r0bbiejo, the best moderator ever <3
  18. I voted for Max. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" And since iSmooch was in the lead, I figured Max would be best.

    :D :D
    Dwight5273 and margaritte like this.
  19. Hmmm...
    Usually i can't FORCE myself to choose...
    But this time, my vote goes to good ol' Sassy! :D