/utopia BookExchange +be EmeraldExchange +ee eXPerienceExchange +xp and VillagerTrade +trade

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by TheCritic, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. All top level books exchange with market driven prices.
    Most players don’t know about this place, so many book stores are stocking from here. If you want to buy or sell, this place has a good stock with better than market prices.

    XP and EE are the same as always. Making prices so regular that the items themselves are being used for trade.

    For instance, I know players have been trading gold for emeralds, because at anytime the emeralds can be redeemed for rupees.

    Anyway, just letting the secret out a bit. Crafting and trading are still the best ways to get ahead in a Market based economy (my opinion) so feel free to use these markets as you like. Also, check out KlonedInc. Between what he offers for crafting, and my marketplaces, you can make quite an income.
  2. Just made 19k just from mending
    TheCritic likes this.
  3. I watch my rupee logs. Players spend 1,000 buying emeralds, then show up and sell me 20,000 worth of enchanted books in 30/60 minutes or so. If anyone wants/needs rupees, book trading is a simple effective way.
  4. Wow, this marketplace works. Someone just spent an hour selling me over 100k worth of enchanted books.
    Top_Benny, EquableHook and Kryarias like this.
  5. Wow this place rocks. I just made 150k in like 30 mins selling my stored up books. Well I closed my failed shop down and cashed out. I will be watching this place closer now. Thank you for having this place.
    TheCritic likes this.
  6. Today an industrious player made almost 100k selling XP bottles into the XP exchange. /utopia /v +xp
    Top_Benny and Eviltoade like this.
  7. This place is amazing! the Benny armour service is supplied at /v +bookexchnage and the xp is at /v +eetrade :D
    TheCritic likes this.