uhhh send help pls mod help

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by _Paku, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. $${if(crafting); log(Craft Disabled.); unset(crafting); else; set(crafting); log(Craft Enabled.); do; craft(gold_ingot); wait(1ms); while(crafting); endif}$$

    Yup like this.
    If you leave the $$? it works, but it will prompt you for what item you want every time you activate and deactivate the macro.

    If that still causes problems, try changing "wait(1ms)" to "wait(3ms)" or so.
  2. Would it not just be quicker to put 64 nuggets in each crafting slot to instantly craft 64 ingots, then repeat twice more?
    Pab10S likes this.
  3. See. It is. In theory but it used to be much quicker with macro mod + im lazy.
  4. Yeah I only use this when I'm at my computer and telling it what to do :
  5. Faster, yes, but it is 1 button vs 60, I think.
    Greatly extends the lifespan of your mouse, also useful for eating sandwiches while playing video games.
    Jcplugs likes this.
  6. One problem with EMC minecraft, it thinks many times enough im AFK but im still behind the keyboard, only in other program while im waiting for day or to kill something in minecraft. Lucky i dont use mods.

    Btw, i wish autclicking (by holding mouse) worked always. because all the manual clicking is a bit bad for the mouse. but more but for my fingers etc. especialy if we talk about killing enraged mobs.