Hey EMC If you know how to make any sort of infinite villager and want to teach me how, PM me and we'll arrange a price, I need to learn how to make one asap! Thanks!
I think southpark was trying to suggest that Samsimx knows how to make one so you should probably talk to him and get him to teach you... >.>
If he makes them why cant he also teach you how to make one. Edit: Maybe if you ask him real nicely and offer a payment, he show you some of his and tell you how to make one....
I dont know where he lives i know its like 5am for me right now so hes at work, at school, sleeping or something so i would give it a day. If he doesnt ive heard some people on 9 saying they know how to make them so maybe you can go check there.
Hey Joshy, actually there is not so much to it. You just need to do it and spend some time trading with the guys. A quite good explanation can be found here: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-how-to-make-an-infinite-villager-thread.35182/ Also, crabcakes200m sells a book with an extensive explanation and says it adds some more information than in the thread above. But, I haven't read the book.