Hello, fellow EMCers! I have a question for some of you. Those of you who throw out all the horse eggs you don't want....would you mind giving them to me? I'll collect any horse, donkey, and mule egg that you have and don't want. In return, you don't have to worry about the little horsies that don't have a home! I'd appreciate if you let me know if you're going to throw them out anyway. Please let me know and we can plan a time so I can come pick them up, or, if you prefer, you can bring them to 5870 on utopia. Please make the trade with me! After all, one person's trash is another person's treasure! Thank you! ~ Aoi_Kaigara & Seaphyre
Sounds cool.. I use spawn dozens at a time until the entity counts got maxed in areas out in the wild with the ones i didn't want. I made a thread about it at one point. Sadly i have not done that in a while. When i reset my original res i had about 40 dc of horse, mule, donkey, and llama eggs i simply let get deleted in the reset.