to all the moderators

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MrPinkandRed, Aug 11, 2012.

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  1. hello i got banned a few months ago and i reget every part of it if you could please unban me i will never do anything like it again <3 please please please
  2. You need to PM the mods, not post a forum.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  3. Wrong way to appeal. PM the moderator who banned you, and if you don't know who that is then ask another moderator to check for you. Also, please do not spam the forum with these threads.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  4. This is again, the wrong way to appeal. You've incorrectly appealed twice at.
    This is therefore twice you have ignored what we have told you to do, which would help you get unbanned. Spamming the forums will not.

    Bigdavie was the moderator who banned you. Please forum PM him/follow the instructions given in previous threads. This is the wrong way to appeal.

    Click this link to appeal to Bigdavie:
  5. Your sig doesn't work because it's html. It needs to be bbcode.
  6. Use the BBcode, I'll post it on your profile when I have a spare min. :)
  7. Cool, thanks
  8. how do i do that
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