Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by cdboi, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. ok so i didnt make this in the empire because it was to big, and way to much wool. I did it all legit in creative mode but didnt use world edit or anything to build it, well used world edit to clear out the area but yea the thing is 64x64x64
    let me know what you think 2011-11-20_14.36.00.png 2011-11-20_14.36.23.png 2011-11-20_16.46.29.png 2011-11-20_16.56.44.png 2011-11-20_16.56.50.png 2011-11-20_16.57.00.png 2011-11-20_16.58.02.png
    JustinGuy likes this.
  2. Wow, just wow, check my wool creation thread out!
  3. oi bro just used world edit to turn that all into tnt.... mine craft has crashed 10 times since i set it off and is still exploding lol its over 200000 blocks of tnt
  5. that would be one heck of a house :D