Things Aikar has said during his livestreams

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JDHallows, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. During Aikar's last few coding livestreams, I started writing down random things he has said during them. I have decided to share them here for everyone to read. Enjoy!

    (Also, I'll update this thread occasionally as I collect more quotes during streams I watch :p )

    Watch Aikar's livestreams here! -

    MoreMoople, haastregt, 586 and 10 others like this.
  2. This is a deep rabbit hole you've trekked down.
  3. Wow, some of those.
    JDHallows and 586 like this.
  4. Lol i love the "Fixes" that come back. My favorite quote is "its not a bug, its an unexpected feature"
  5. "Does anyone want a cat?" - Probably my favorite.
    JDHallows and 586 like this.
  6. That's the player's problem, not mine!
    JDHallows and 586 like this.
  7. Ok, where's JackBiggin? He's bound to be loaded with them.
    JDHallows, 586, OriginalScuf and 2 others like this.
  8. There's one on that list where I paused and was like wait what this is a family friendly server...
    JDHallows likes this.