the wilderness

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by adhemarlampaert, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. I have a question about the wilderness,
    If you go out exploring further in the wilderness and you want to go back after a while but you don't remember where the portal is to go back to town again how do you get back then.
    If there is some code or way please let me know.
  2. INTRODUCING.... THE LIVE MAP!!!! Its under severs. :)
    JustinGuy likes this.
  3. You should really go to and read through it carefully. Not only will you know this information, but you'll learn some other nifty tips/tricks along the way. Also, you'll be able to help other new players as they come along =) At any rate, have as much fun as possible (within rules). Having no fun on EMC is impossible.
  4. Go to Livemap and find yourself, establish which direction is which and move towards the big red square