The Overwatch Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Ritunn, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. Now I know there are a few people on EMC who are Overwatch players and I thought I'd make a dedicated thread for it were you can discuss stuff and see if anybody wants to play together.

    Now first off hitting the PTR tomorrow (or Tuesday) we got Sombra a hacker who most people who play Overwatch are quite familiar with.

    She will be quite interesting, but what do you think? Feel free to say your thoughts on her or post something else Overwatch related.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  2. only took like 6 months for them to finally release her
    i swear the sombra hype died a week after the first ARG
  3. Welcome to my reality. With the changes to everybody's favorite light-architect Symmetra, those words will be heard a bit more. The changes make her more viable at all stages of the game, making her more of supporty Torbjorn. The changes are as follows.

    Weapon: Primary fire range increased.
    Sentry Turret: Now holds up to 6 charges (up from three) and it's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
    Photon Shield *Photon Barrier: Shoot out a barrier that can block 2000 damage (estimate) that moves in a straight line until it is destroyed or it's center hits an obstacle.
    Teleporter: Increased health. Majority of health is now shields and will regenerate over time.
    *Shield Generator: Gives 75 shield to all heroes within it's affect radius. Unaffected by line of sight.

    Those are all the new changes if you want to learn more I suggest you go check out the actual video on the official Overreach channel. She's already on the PTR so go try her out if you can!

    *New abilities